Module apps.reader.modules.readerlink

ReaderLink is an abstraction for document-specific link interfaces.


ReaderLink:isXpointerCoherent (a_xpointer) Check if a xpointer to node really points to itself
ReaderLink:getLinkFromGes (ges) Gets link from gesture.
ReaderLink:showLinkBox (link, allow_footnote_popup) Highlights a linkbox if available and goes to it.
ReaderLink:onGotoLink (link, neglect_current_location, allow_footnote_popup) Goes to link.
ReaderLink:onGoBackLink (show_notification_if_empty) Goes back to previous location.
ReaderLink:onGoForwardLink () Goes to next location.
ReaderLink:onGoToPageLink (ges, internal_links_only, max_distance) Goes to link nearest to the gesture (or first link in page)


ReaderLink:isXpointerCoherent (a_xpointer)
Check if a xpointer to node really points to itself


  • a_xpointer Get screen coordinates of xpointer
ReaderLink:getLinkFromGes (ges)
Gets link from gesture. Document:getLinkFromPosition() behaves differently depending on document type, so this function provides a wrapper.


  • ges
ReaderLink:showLinkBox (link, allow_footnote_popup)
Highlights a linkbox if available and goes to it.


  • link
  • allow_footnote_popup
ReaderLink:onGotoLink (link, neglect_current_location, allow_footnote_popup)
Goes to link. (This is called by other modules (highlight, search) to jump to a xpointer, they should not provide allowfootnotepopup=true)


  • link
  • neglect_current_location
  • allow_footnote_popup
ReaderLink:onGoBackLink (show_notification_if_empty)
Goes back to previous location.


  • show_notification_if_empty
ReaderLink:onGoForwardLink ()
Goes to next location.
ReaderLink:onGoToPageLink (ges, internal_links_only, max_distance)
Goes to link nearest to the gesture (or first link in page)


  • ges
  • internal_links_only
  • max_distance
generated by LDoc 1.5.0 Last updated 2024-12-19 07:44:17