Module koplugin.wallabag

This plugin downloads a set number of the newest arcticles in your Wallabag "Unread" list.

As epubs, or in their original formats. It can archive or delete articles from Wallabag when you finish them in KOReader. And it will delete or archive them locally when you finish them elsewhere.


Wallabag:addToMainMenu (menu_items) Add Wallabag to the Tools menu in both the file manager and the reader.
Wallabag:getBearerToken () Validate server settings and request an OAuth bearer token.
Wallabag:getArticleList () Get a JSON formatted list of articles from the server.
Wallabag:filterIgnoredTags (article_list) Remove all the articles from the list containing one of the ignored tags.
Wallabag:downloadArticle (A) Download a single article from the Wallabag server given by id in the article table.
Wallabag:callAPI (method, url[, headers[, body[, filepath[, quiet=false]]]]) Call the Wallabag API.
Wallabag:downloadArticles () Add articles from local queue to Wallabag, then download new articles.
Wallabag:uploadQueue ([quiet=true]) Upload any articles that were added to the queue.
Wallabag:processRemoteDeletes (remote_article_ids) Compare local IDs with remotearticleids and delete or archive any that are missing.
Wallabag:uploadStatuses ([quiet]) Archive (or delete) locally finished articles on the Wallabag server.
Wallabag:addArticle (article_url) Add a new article (including any auto_tags) to the Wallabag server.
Wallabag:addTagsFromReview (path) Add tags from the local review to the article on Wallabag.
Wallabag:archiveArticle (path) Archive an article on Wallabag, or if delete_instead, then delete.
Wallabag:archiveLocalArticle (path) Move an article and its sidecar to archive_directory.
Wallabag:deleteLocalArticle (path) Delete an article and its sidecar locally.
Wallabag:getArticleID (path) Extract the Wallabag ID from the file name.
Wallabag:setTagsDialog (touchmenu_instance, title, description, value, callback) A dialog used for setting filtertag, ignoretags and auto_tags.
Wallabag:editServerSettings () The dialog shown when clicking "Configure Wallabag server".
Wallabag:setArticlesPerSync (touchmenu_instance) The dialog shown when clicking "Number of articles to keep locally".
Wallabag:setDownloadDirectory (touchmenu_instance) The dialog shown when clicking "Download folder".
Wallabag:setArchiveDirectory (touchmenu_instance) The dialog shown when clicking "Archive folder"
Wallabag:onAddWallabagArticle (article_url) Handler for addWallabagArticle event.
Wallabag:getLastPercent () Get percent read of the opened article.
Wallabag:onCloseDocument () Handler for the CloseDocument event.


Wallabag:uploadQueue-todo15 Add error handling


Wallabag:addToMainMenu (menu_items)
Add Wallabag to the Tools menu in both the file manager and the reader.


  • menu_items
Wallabag:getBearerToken ()
Validate server settings and request an OAuth bearer token. Do not request a new token if the saved one is valid for more than 5 minutes.
Wallabag:getArticleList ()
Get a JSON formatted list of articles from the server. The list should have self.articlepersync item, or less if an error occurred. If filtertag is set, only articles containing this tag are queried. If ignoretags is defined, articles containing any of the tags are skipped.


    table List of article tables
Wallabag:filterIgnoredTags (article_list)
Remove all the articles from the list containing one of the ignored tags.


  • article_list table Array containing a JSON formatted list of articles


    table Same array, but without any articles that contain an ignored tag.
Wallabag:downloadArticle (A)
Download a single article from the Wallabag server given by id in the article table.


  • A table list of article tables, see


    int 1 failed, 2 skipped, 3 downloaded
Wallabag:callAPI (method, url[, headers[, body[, filepath[, quiet=false]]]])
Call the Wallabag API. See for methods and parameters.


  • method GET, POST, DELETE, PATCH, etc…
  • url URL endpoint on Wallabag server without hostname, or full URL for external link
  • headers Defaults to Authorization for API endpoints, none for external (optional)
  • body Body to include in the request, if needed (optional)
  • filepath Downloads the file if provided, returns JSON otherwise (optional)
  • quiet (default false)


  1. bool Whether the request was successful
  2. string Error type if unsuccessful, filepath if success with path, JSON if without
  3. int HTTP response code if unsuccessful (e.g. 404, 503, …)
Wallabag:downloadArticles ()
Add articles from local queue to Wallabag, then download new articles. If self.auto_archive is true, then local article statuses are uploaded before downloading.


    bool Whether the synchronization process reached the end (with or without errors)
Wallabag:uploadQueue ([quiet=true])
Upload any articles that were added to the queue. In case there was no network connection to upload them at the time.


  • quiet bool Whether to supress the info message or not (default true)


    int Number of article URLs added to the server
Wallabag:processRemoteDeletes (remote_article_ids)
Compare local IDs with remotearticleids and delete or archive any that are missing.


  • remote_article_ids table Article IDs of articles downloaded this sync run


    int Number of locally deleted or archived articles
Wallabag:uploadStatuses ([quiet])
Archive (or delete) locally finished articles on the Wallabag server.


  • quiet bool Whether to supress the info message or not (optional)
Wallabag:addArticle (article_url)
Add a new article (including any auto_tags) to the Wallabag server.


  • article_url string Full URL of the article


    bool Whether the API call could be made successfully
Wallabag:addTagsFromReview (path)
Add tags from the local review to the article on Wallabag.


  • path string Local path of the article


Wallabag:archiveArticle (path)
Archive an article on Wallabag, or if delete_instead, then delete.


  • path string Local path of the article


    bool Whether archiving or deleting was completed
Wallabag:archiveLocalArticle (path)
Move an article and its sidecar to archive_directory.


  • path string Local path of the article


    int 1 if successful, 0 if not
Wallabag:deleteLocalArticle (path)
Delete an article and its sidecar locally.


  • path string Local path of the article


    int 1 if successful, 0 if not
Wallabag:getArticleID (path)
Extract the Wallabag ID from the file name.


  • path string Local path of the article


    ID as string if successful, nil if not
Wallabag:setTagsDialog (touchmenu_instance, title, description, value, callback)
A dialog used for setting filtertag, ignoretags and auto_tags.


  • touchmenu_instance
  • title
  • description
  • value
  • callback
Wallabag:editServerSettings ()
The dialog shown when clicking "Configure Wallabag server". Or automatically, when getBearerToken is run with an incomplete server configuration.
Wallabag:setArticlesPerSync (touchmenu_instance)
The dialog shown when clicking "Number of articles to keep locally".


  • touchmenu_instance
Wallabag:setDownloadDirectory (touchmenu_instance)
The dialog shown when clicking "Download folder". Or automatically, when getBearerToken is run with an incomplete server configuration.


  • touchmenu_instance
Wallabag:setArchiveDirectory (touchmenu_instance)
The dialog shown when clicking "Archive folder"


  • touchmenu_instance
Wallabag:onAddWallabagArticle (article_url)
Handler for addWallabagArticle event. Uploads a new article to Wallabag directly if there is a network connection, or add it to the local upload queue.


  • article_url
Wallabag:getLastPercent ()
Get percent read of the opened article.
Wallabag:onCloseDocument ()
Handler for the CloseDocument event. If the opened article/book is saved in the Wallabag directory, and if any of the removefromhistory settings are set and matching, then remove it from history


Add error handling
generated by LDoc 1.5.0 Last updated 2025-03-11 13:23:12